
  • 1 .GOD SAVE UKRAINE. Diameter 40 cm.. Depth 5 cm. .Created in April 2022

    1 .GOD SAVE UKRAINE. Diameter 40 cm.. Depth 5 cm. .Created in April 2022

  • 2.LASER GAME . Diameter 50 cm. Depth 8 cm. Crreated in June 2022

    2.LASER GAME . Diameter 50 cm. Depth 8 cm. Crreated in June 2022

  • 3. THE PEOPLE.Diameter 40 cm. Depth 4 cm.Created in  November 2022

    3. THE PEOPLE.Diameter 40 cm. Depth 4 cm.Created in November 2022



















1.God Save Ukraine

This is my artwork, which I want to dedicate to the Ukrainian people, fighting for their values, independence and their right to be the country they are. I have used all my technical possibilities to express my feelings of protest against the atrocities in a three dimensional work. The background is a yellow coloured circle on which I placed two Russian five pointed stars. From the stars emerge spirals, symbolizing explosions. Around this are human figures in a blue colour, who are flying in the air because of the explosions. The blue colour of the figures combined with the yellow background symbolize the Ukrainian flag. On the outside of the circle are a umber of wires, coloured red, black and grey, symbolizing fires originating from the explosions. I cannot understand how such a tragedy could exist in Europe in the 21st century.


 2. Laser Game 

By this art work I want to pay attention to lasers , one of the most important developments in the twentieth century.The base is a wooden disk with 50 cm diameter.

This disc has been painted white. It is divided into 3 pieces, each 120 degrees. One of part I designed straight lines depicting laser beams, crossing in the middle.

Every beam ends on a different height 5 cm, 6,5 cm and 8cm.The wooden construction at the beginning and end of the beams have enough strength to keep the wires under tension.

To achieve the right optical effect I used fluo fishing wire in various colours with a gauge of 0,3 to 0,4 mm. A the end of every beam I placed mini beams , made from various PVC wires.


3.The People

The base of this work is a wooden disk with a diameter of 40 cm. This disk has been painted blue. It is a three-dimensional work about 4 cm high. In this work people are depicted as puppets. The upper part shows a happy family with a black man, a white woman with a black and a white child. I chose the colours of this family consciously to show that it is possible to form a loving family  without any discrimination of colour or race. The lower part depicts two males expressing anger and violence, fighting with each other. Unfortunately this kind of violence often exists in our society. The middle part of the disk shows part of a chromosome with human DNA, the base of our existence. This DNA model has been made with thick nylon wire used in a grass trimmer. This wire has been formed using heat to achieve the right shape.the vertical lines in the chromosome have been made with small amber stones on a metal wire. I want to Pay attention to the use of various materials in this artwork. The wooden disk is a 50 cm plate. The puppets have been made of various plastics, PVC, nylon etc.For instance the red coats of the puppets are made of the wires of a broom. The faces are made of the white lids of wall paint containers. The black faces are made of black lastic packing material. In our daily live many plastics are disposed of as waste. For years I have been considering the bright colours of plastic waste to be used in my artworks. To get the right shapes of the materials I have developed a method using hot air. The small elements in the faces of the puppets are made with pieces of amber.